Friday, August 26, 2011

Mail Footer for Business

Company: EnSight Media
Release Date: June 30, 2011
Latest Version: 1.0.2
Size: 18.9 MB
Price: $2.99

 This application prides itself on the benefits of not having your iPad/iPhone e-mail signature as "sent from my iPhone", but I think the people if people aren't able to change that one setting, then they won't be able to use this application either.  

That being said, it is still a nice addition to make e-mails look more professional than the simple name, address and phone number.

There are many templates to choose from and you can even include your photo or company logo for additional affect.  When you  get tired of one appearance, go back into the settings and change the template for your desired look.

I think $2.99 is a little bit much for this  type of application, but I also know that the little extra professional and different look can actually help make the e-mails stand out and be remembered.  Still, $0.99 would have been more reasonable for a somewhat simple, but useful application.


Expense Tablet for iPad

Company: Adam Williams
Release Date: may 21, 2010
Latest Version: 1.05
Size: 4.7 MB
Price: $0.99

 With so many expense tablets out there, how do we know which one is the best for us?  Well, this one is pretty simple and easy to use.  

I think more and more applications with personal information is including the extra PIN, which is comforting.

With the different account functions, keep track of all of your expenses from savings, checking and credit.  Very simple to use and understand.

For the price of $0.99, why not? It may actually save you more money in the long run by being a little bit more organized.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Schedule


Company: Manel de la Rosa Sites
Release Date: October 9, 2010
Latest Version: 1.7
Size: 0.7 MB
Price: $0.99

Don't confuse this with a calendar.  It's not.  It's just a simple weekly schedule for whatever you need it to be.  It can be useful if you need to organize your work schedule and/or school schedule.  It's color coordinated and very simple to use.  Is it worth the $0.99?  Only if you can't figure out how to use your calendar function on your iPhone/iPad.  This application, however, doesn't clutter up your calendar, so that is a plus.


Smurf Booth

Company: Fiona Smith
Release Date: August 20, 2011
Latest Version: 1.0
Size: 1.6 MB
Price: $0.99

I love the Smurfs, but the application was a disappointment.  With 3 faces to choose from, I selected Papa Smurf and the second image came up...and that was it.  I couldn't do anything with it.  There were no instructions on how to insert a face in there.  I couldn't even go back to the menu.  I had to exit out.  I also thought that it would somehow morph a face in there so that it looked like that Smurf.  Not even worth $0.01.

Angry Birds Seasons

Company: Rovio Mobile
Release Date: August 22, 2011
Latest Version: 1.5.2
Size: 15.8 MB
Price: $1.29

 The pigs are back and the birds are angrier than ever.  I think it's hilarious how such a simple game can be so addictive.  

Try out the new seasons with their fun wallpaper and enjoy the never ending fun of smashing birds into pillars, ice, etc. to take out their enemies, the pigs.

Is it worth the price?  I think the amount of time I've spent on this simple game has been well worth the measly price of $1.29.

Try it out, along with the other Angry Birds editions.