Friday, August 26, 2011

Mail Footer for Business

Company: EnSight Media
Release Date: June 30, 2011
Latest Version: 1.0.2
Size: 18.9 MB
Price: $2.99

 This application prides itself on the benefits of not having your iPad/iPhone e-mail signature as "sent from my iPhone", but I think the people if people aren't able to change that one setting, then they won't be able to use this application either.  

That being said, it is still a nice addition to make e-mails look more professional than the simple name, address and phone number.

There are many templates to choose from and you can even include your photo or company logo for additional affect.  When you  get tired of one appearance, go back into the settings and change the template for your desired look.

I think $2.99 is a little bit much for this  type of application, but I also know that the little extra professional and different look can actually help make the e-mails stand out and be remembered.  Still, $0.99 would have been more reasonable for a somewhat simple, but useful application.


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